Personalise your Belated Birthday Card supporting I AM Celebrating Autism in Greater Manchester - Belated Birthday Penguin

Would you like to increase your donation?

You can increase the donation being sent with this card by selecting an amount below

Choose how much you want to donate with your purchase. This will not be subject to VAT and can be gift-aided to I AM Celebrating Autism in Greater Manchester.

£1 £5 £10 £25 £50 £100 Other

Is this donation instead of a gift?

Yes No

You can choose your preferred text from a selection below:

Show the donation amount inside card?

Yes No


If you are happy with your selections please click here to continue, next you will personalise your card.

Subtotal (inc VAT):

Editing Front

Product outer

Add your text or images here

The fields below can be edited to personalise your card as you wish:


If you are happy with your choices and have filled in all required fields click here to continue

Editing Inside

Product inner

Use the fields below to complete the inside of your design

The fields below can be edited to personalise your card.

Or leave them empty and write your personal message when you receive it:

Add a video or audio message?

Use the button below to add an audio or video message that will be encrypted and stored securely for 30 days from your chosen date of dispatch. Please ensure your file is an MP3/M4A for audio or MP4/MOV for a video. A QR code will be printed inside the card for the recipient to view or download.


If you are happy with your choices and have filled in all required fields click here to continue

Card Options

Card preview

Click the thumbnails to preview all pages

What size card would you like?






By clicking save and continue you are confirming you have checked the design, layout and spelling on your personalised card.

Subtotal (inc VAT):


Where should this be delivered?

Send it directlyto the recipient Please tell us who to send this to
This field is required
This field is required

Look up your delivery address:

Or enter manually

Enter address?

Please choose the date you would like these items dispatched on.


Confirm your card

Please confirm that you have checked your email addresses and/or mobile numbers and you are happy to proceed.